She reveals to Nelly that she is afraid of being alone and she is restless because Heathcliff is not around her.
Step-by-step explanation:
Wuthering Heights is the only finished novel written by Emily Bronte, under the pseudonym "Ellis Bell," published in 1847, and written in Victorian Era. The novel contains gothic fiction elements.
One night Catherine tells Nelly about the proposal made by Edgar to her for hand in marriage and she confesses that she had agreed to it. Heathcliff overhears this conversation that marrying Heathcliff would "degrade" her so she is marrying Edgar. Heathcliff does not listen to the whole conversation in which Catherine later confesses her love for him. Heathcliff runs away from the Wuthering Height and disappears for three years. Meanwhile, Catherine makes herself sick in the absence of Heathcliff. When Nelly was tending her, she makes some important revelation to her, "I'm afraid of being alone." Catherine was used to having someone around her, whether her father, Nelly, Heathcliff or Edgar. Secondly, she reveals that she longs to live her childhood, the time when she was most happy. She wants to go out and play on the moors. She is restless after Heathcliff left, "I won't rest till you are with me."