#13: 2.23×10⁻³ kg/cm³
#14: 10.23 ft²
Good on you for thinking something wasn't right! Those conversions they gave you are correct, but the length conversions just aren't in the correct dimensions. In #13 you need cm² and in #14 you need ft³. To do this, you simply square or cube both sides of the conversions (because what you do to one side must be done to the other). Then you'll end up with conversions for two or three dimensional measurements. I have an attachment that shows my work, but I'll put an example here as well.
If 1in = 2.54 cm, then:
- (1 in)² = (2.54 cm)²
- 1² in² = 2.54² cm²
- 1 in² = 6.45 cm²
You can do this with any other conversion as well, so go wild with it!