A. Diamond
Step-by-step explanation:
Entropy is an important physical quantity used in statistical mechanics and thermodynamics to measure the degree of disorder of a system. We say that the greater the entropy variation of a system, the greater its clutter, the less energy will be available for use. Entropy is related to the spontaneity of some physical or chemical process. Whenever such a process happens spontaneously, the entropy of the system will increase, ie the system will be less organized or more random.
If we compare three systems with entropy: the first with something in the liquid state, the second with something in the solid state, and the third with something in the form of vapor, we will conclude that the entropy of the third system will be greater than the others, due to the greater agitation of the molecules. Already the second system, with something in the solid state will be the system with less entropy because in this case the spacing between the molecules of this "something" is smaller and consequently the agitation of them. For this reason, as diamond is something in solid state, we can say that with the exposed options, diamond is the alternative with less entropy.