Praxis has more orange slices.
Number of slices in Praxis Plate:
The ratio of apple slices to the total number of slices on Praxis plate is 4 to 11. This means for every 11 slices in Praxis plate, 4 of them are apple slices and 7 of them are orange slices. This also shows the total number of slices in Praxis plate is a multiple of 11.
First possibility of total number of slices in Praxis plate is 11. Another possibility of total number of slices in Praxis plate is 11 x 2 = 22. Since, it is given that total number of slices are not more than 20, so 22 slices are not possible in Praxis plate. So, the only possibility is 11 slices. From here we can conclude that:
Praxis has 11 slices in total on his plate with 4 apple slices and 7 orange slices.
Number of slices in Pam Plate:
The ratio of the total number of slices to orange slices on Pam plate is 13 to 6. This means for every 13 slices in Pam's plate there are 6 orange slices and 7 apple slices. This also show the total number of slices in Pam's plate is a multiple of 13.
The first possibility of total number of slices in Pam's plate is 13. The next possibility is 13 x 2 = 26 slices. But since the number of slices cannot be above 20, the only possibility is that there are 13 slices in Pam's plate. From here we can conclude that:
Pam has 13 slices in total in his plate with 7 apple slices and 6 orange slice.
Therefore, Praxis has more orange slices.