Most of the people in Latin America can trace their ancestry back to the following three groups: Native American, European and African.
The most culturally diverse areas in Latin America are: its cities.
Step-by-step explanation:
Native American lived in South America. Then the Spaniards (first Spanish that came as conquistadores) and Portuguese (in Brazil) dominated them but they also mix with them. After the dominant group brought slaves (African) to work on farms and mines but there was also a whole mixture between Spanish, Africans and Native American. There is a saying in Peru that explains this: En Perú el que no tiene de Inga tiene de Mandinga which means in Peru the one that doesn't have from Inga (Inca) has from Mandinga (African). Other minor groups also came like Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian but the were not so meaningful in terms of population.
In cities connverged all cultures in Latin America.