The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Step-by-step explanation:
Although Jesus told many parables, and performed several miracles to many different events, still, the resurrection is strongly believed to be the most important start of the Christain Religion. The entire Resurrection is a symbol of many things. It's a symbol of God the Father, and Jesus Christ's love for all of humanity ( John 3:16, " For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, those who believe in him shall not perish but have an everlasting life"). It also symbolizes of what will happen to all of the truly saved Christains in the afterlife. After the whole judgement day ( which I'm not going to lie, it's going to be terriable for all of us; saved or not) the truly saved Christains will go to Heaven, live forever with Jesus, and all of the other truly saved Christains. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the ultimate price for sin, because God hates sin ( Psalm 5:5), and so he had to sent Jesus Christ down upon earth to pay for all of our sin ( Because he was the only one left who was perfect, while everyone else was and still is a sinner). Sorry for creating this very long paragraph, but I really get passionate into talking about this topic, it really gets my mind going. Anyways, I really hope that you all find my answer quite amusining.