The amoeba E.histolytica is a pathogen which forms liver abscesses in infected individuals. Its metabolic classification is anaerobic hetrotroph.
Step-by-step explanation:
Amoeba E.histolytica is an anarerobic parasitic amoebozoan. It is a part of the genus Entamoeba. It has two stages- Trophozoite and Cyst. Tropozoites are 20-60 mumetre motile with pseudopodia.Cytoplasm of tropozoite is divided into clear ectoplasm and granular endoplasm often contains food granules and RBCs. Cysts are non motile round 10-20 mumeter with thin transparent cyst wall. Improved sanitation will help to reduce the likelihood of transmission. We must reduce the risk of E. Histolytica by making use of drinking bottled water, washing fruits and vegetables and peeling it by yourself and not using ice cubes in water.Iodoqinol is used to eradicate the cysts of E.Histolytica.It is best tolerated when given with meals.