Step-by-step explanation:
While Howard Gardner emphasizes the independence of the various aspects of intelligence, Robert Sternberg emphasizes the extent to which they work together in his trarchical theory of human intelligence. According to the triarchic theory (tri-, “three”; -archeic, “governed”), intelligence comprises three aspects, which deal with the relation of intelligence (a) to one's inner world; (b) with experience, and (c) with the external world.
According to Robert Sternberg's theory, intelligence comprises analytical, creative and practical capabilities. In analytical thinking, we try to solve known problems by using strategies that manipulate the elements of a problem or the relationships between the elements (eg, compare, analyze); In creative thinking we try to solve new kinds of problems that require us to weigh the problem and its elements in a new way (eg invent, plan); In practical thinking, we try to solve problems that apply what we know to everyday contexts (eg, apply, use).