A- revient ► 3rd person singular (he/she/it --> il/elle/on)
Elle revient toujours de vacances très bronzée.
She always comes back very tanned from vacation.
B- interviens ► 2nd person singular (tu -> informal you)
Tu interviens toujours dans mes affaires.
you always interfere in my business.
C- prévenons ► 1st person singular (we --> we)
Nous vous prévenons de notre départ la semaine prochaine.
We inform you of your departure next week.
D- se souviennent ► 3rd person plural reflexive verb ( ils/elles --> they)
Ils se souviennent de très peu de choses. Ils ont une très mauvaise mémoire.
They remember very few things. They have a very bad memory.
Step-by-step explanation
as you can see , all these verbs have the same root which is VENIR
"intervenir" , se souvenir", "prévenir", revenir".......
other verbs you might have = "prévenir", "subvenir", "devenir", "provenir", "parvenir", "convenir", "parvenir" ......
so if you know how to conjugate VENIR, you just have to add the prefix to the root conjugated which is venir.
je viens
tu viens
il/elle/on vient
nous venons
vous venez
ils/elles viennent.
je me souviens (I remember)
tu interviens (you interfere)
elle revient (she comes back)
nous devenons (we become)
vous prévenez (you warn, let so know, tell..)
Ils subviennent (they support)
hope this helps ☺☺☺