Hi !!
Indirect object pronouns
1- Tu nous écris ? ► oui, je t'écris
Are you writing to us ? (Yes I am writing to you.)
2- Il prête un crayon à son ami. ► Il lui prête un crayon.
He lends a pen to his friend. ► he lends him a pen.
3- Ton cousin te rends visite l'été ? ► Oui, il me rend visite.
Your cousin is visiting you on summer. Yes he is visiting me
4- Nous parlons à toi.(incorrect) ► Nous te parlons. (correct)
We 're talking to you . We are talking to you.
5- Vous parlez à vos amis souvent.► Vous leur parlez souvent.
You're often talking to your friends. You 're often talking to them.
6- Sophie vous prête le CD? ► Oui,Sophie nous prête le CD.
Sophie lends you the CD? Yes, Sophie lends us the CD.
7- Nous donnons les cadeaux à toi. (incorrect) ►Nous te donnons les cadeaux. (correct)
We 're giving the presents to you. We are giving you the presents.
8- Je donne un cadeau à mes parents. ► Je leur donne un cadeau.
I give a present to my parents. I give them a present.
9- Nous téléphonons à notre grand-mère. ► Nous lui téléphonons.
We're calling our grandmother. We 're calling her.
10- Pierre montre son album de photos à ses copines. ►Pierre leur montre son album de photos.
Pierre shows his photo album to his girlfriends. Pierre shows them his photo album.
11- Je parle à ma mère. ► Je lui parle.
I talk to my mother. I talk to her
12- Je dis toujours la vérité à ma mère. ► Je lui dis toujours la vérité.
I always tell the truth to my mother. I always tell her the truth.
13- Il téléphone à ses cousins. ► Il leur téléphone.
He calls his cousins. He calls them.
Step-by-step explanation
When a preposition ("à" , "pour"..) is followed by an animated noun, it is an indirect object noun and you can replace it by an indirect object noun.
The sentence n° 4 is incorrect = Nous parlons à toi. You must use the indirect object pronoun. ==> Nous te parlons.
In English, as far as I know, you've got some verbs always followed by"to" . as "talking to", writing to" ...that you can change .. Hope I'm right. But in French, as long as the noun is an animated word, you must replace it by an indirect object pronoun just before the verb.
Indirect object pronoun
english french
me me, m' (if elision)
you (informal) te, t' (if elision)
him, her lui
us nous
you (plural and formal) vous
them leur
the elision occurs when the following word begins with a vowel or a mute 'h'
hope it helps to understand ☺☺☺