Although all societies have some kind of incest taboo, the relationship which is considered incestuous may vary. Concepts of incest seem to be related to a group’s definition of endogamy and exogamy. According to this idea, incest taboos promote stability of the family sexual relationships.
Step-by-step explanation:
Incest happens when there is sexual intercourse between two people who are close relatives, such as parents with their children, siblings, uncles and nephews, etc.
There is some difficulty in defining the degree to which incest is considered and whether foster relatives should also be considered, but today it is considered sin by most religions and crime in most societies. Despite this difficulty in defining what may or may not be considered incest, it is considered that the concept of incest may be related to the definition of inbreeding and exogamy in a group. According to this idea, incest taboos promote the stability of family sex.