Step-by-step explanation:
The Spanish were the first to embrace the Americas as they came first in contact and explored new trade routes to the Far East. As they came with the New World in 1492 they begin to send new ships and establish colonial settlements.
Meanwhile, the Hundred Years War was a conflicted that had weakened both France and Englan, lasting until 1453. The position they had was to better secure their lands on Europe and were late to send explorations to the North of America. Unfortunately the conflict extend to these territories and so the conditions for settling were hindered.
The Spaniards continued to establish and secure control in the recently discovered American continent, soon to become the world power at that time.
The colonization of the Spanish conquered territories was very different from the regions that came in contact with the French or the English.
As Spain was the real dominant power that colonized the largests areas , it stretched from the North to the South and also to the Caribean Sea.