The best answer to the question, to complete the blank space: Abdul probably used the ____ conflict style, would be: Engagement style.
Step-by-step explanation:
Finding out the best adjective to understand the way that Abdul is dealing with a specific confict with his friend, Don, is not easy, but going by the description, you find that there are two tools that will help in finding out the correct answer. According to the Intercultural Conflict Resolution Styles, a method to understand how people respond to conflict, especially when facing the issue of interculturalism, like is the case of Abdul and Don, there are two tools that can be used to understand Abdul´s behavior. The first is the Thomas and Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), and the second, which would fit best given the way the question here is phrased, would be the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory, crated by Mitch Hammer. Given the tool from Hammer, it would best fit to seek an answer, and given the characteristics of how Abdul deals with his conflict, Abdul is showing the Engagement style, which means that he is not only highly confrontational with Don, but he also uses both verbal and non-verbal communication tools to reach his goal of goading Don into seeing things his way and taking action.