a-C b-A c-E d-D e-B
Step-by-step explanation:
a. Maintain at or above 20C C. Mcrobe Cultivation temperature
To can survive, all living organisms need specific ambient and temperature, between 20ºC and 30ºC.
b. Microfloral location in the human body of S. epidermis A. Skin
The epidermis is the external layer of the skin. This is where all bacterial microflora lives.
c. Used to neutralize spilled acids E. Baking Soda
In chemistry, to neutralize acids components, you need to use a basic component.
Baking Soda is basic.
d. Used isolating a pure culutre from a mixed or contaminated culture D. Aseptic Techinque
This technic is used to prevent contamination between samples.
e. Microfloral location in the human body of E. coli B. Gastrointesetinal Tract
Another place where you can find microflora is inside the gastrointestinal tract. This microflora works to dissolve substances in the digestive process.