Local Area Network(LAN):-It is a group of computers usually connected together in a small geographical area for example:-building,office,school etc.
The speed in a LAN is high upto 1000 mbps.
Wide Area Network(WAN):-The computer network which cover a large area.The internet can be a good example of WAN.It consists of LANs and MANs .
The speed is less than LAN upto 150 mbps.
SD-WAN can be used to increase cybersecurity in WANs.
There are different ways in which LAN is used to increase cybersecurity.for ex:-
There are different LANs for ex: wireless security enabled LAN,firewalls installed LAN etc.
The OSI model consists of 7 layers which are as following:-
- Physical
- Data Link
- Network
- Transport
- Session
- Presentation
- Application
While TCP/IP consists of less layers than OSI model which are as following:-
- Link
- Internet
- Transport
- Application
TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) is the main protocol that run in the layer 4.IP(Internet Protocol) runs under the layer 3.That's why it's named as TCP/IP suite.