using namespace std;
//main function
int main(){
float a1,a2;
//display the message
cout<<"Enter the first number: ";
cin>>a1; //store the value
cout<<"Enter the second number: ";
cin>>a2; //store the value
//display the calculation result
cout<<"The sum is: "<<a1+a2<<endl;
cout<<"The Subtraction is: "<<a1-a2<<endl;
cout<<"The product is: "<<a1*a2<<endl;
cout<<"The Quotient is: "<<a1/a2<<endl;
Step-by-step explanation:
Create the main function and declare the two variables of float but we can enter the integer as well.
display the message on the screen and then store the input enter by the user into the variable using the cin instruction.
the same process for second input as well, display the message and store the input.
after that, print the output of the calculation. the operator '+' is used to add the two numbers like a1+a2, it adds the number stored in the variable.
similarly, the subtraction operator is '-', product '*' and quotient operator '/'.
and finally, we get the desired output.