The right writing of the adjectives in each case is:
- Mi madre es muy trabajadora: es artista y también enseña en una universidad. A los estudiantes les gusta mi madre porque es una profesora buena, pero ella da exámenes muy difíciles. Este semestre enseña dos clases de arte chino. Mi madre es una gran mujer, ¿verdad?
Step-by-step explanation:
The translation of the paragraph is:
- My mother is a hard worker: she is an artist and also teaches at a university. The students like my mother because she is a good teacher, but she gives very difficult exams. This semester teaches two Chinese art classes. My mother is a great woman, right?
Although in English the adjectives are always singular and do not undergo changes regardless of the gender of the noun, in Spanish both the gender and the number of the noun must be taken into account in order to use the same adjective form, to identify whether the adjective used is correct or not first you must verify to what gender and number each one belongs:
- Trabajadora: singular and female.
- Buena: singular and female.
- Difíciles: plural and male/female.
- Chino: singular and male.
- Gran: singular and male/female.
As the first, second and fifth adjective referred to the mother, singular adjectives are used and whose gender is female or both, meanwhile the third adjective is used for a plural and male noun "exámenes", and the fourth adjective applies to a singular and male noun "chino".