In 1987 a group of molecular geneticists at the University of California at Berkeley offered support for the idea that modern humans (AMHs) arose fairly recently in Africa, then spread out and colonized the world. The geneticists analyzed genetic markers in placentas donated by 147 women whose ancestors came from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, New Guinea, and Australia. By estimating the number of mutations that had taken place in the mithochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of each of these samples, the researchers concluded that......
A. everyone alive today has mtDNA that descends from a woman (dubbed Eve) who lived in sub-Saharan Africa around 200,000 years ago and that her descendants left Africa no more than 135,000 years ago.
B. everyone alive today has mtDNA that descents from a woman (dubbed Eve) who lived in Asia aorund 50,000 years ago and that her descendants left Asia 100,000 years ago.
C. establishing a "genetic clock" to model human evolution is reliable only when focusing on 50,000 years into the past.
D. everyone alive counts Neandertals of western Europe as their ancestor.
E. Neanderthals coexisted with modern humans in the Middle East for the least 2,000 years.