Full Question:
A) the representativeness heuristic
B) the availability heuristic
C) hindsight bias
D) confirmation bias
The correct answer here is C)
'Hindsight bias'
Step-by-step explanation:
Hindsight bias is defined as a term in psychology where people exhibit the tendency to overestimate their ability to have predicted a result that could not possibly have been predicted.
This happens mostly when the outcome of ones choices are positive.
Consider this example:
A man and his wife debate on which route leads to the home of a relative. They have never been there before. There are no maps or GPS assistive devices or technology. Only some vague description.
So eventually they go with the choice of the husband.
On getting to the location, the husbands looks at the wife from over his glasses and says "I knew I was right!". Sounds familiar?