From behind him, James heard someone say he had a permit. “So, Gertrude and I are thinking, ‘Why didn’t they tell us?’ It [turned out it] was somebody’s driving permit,” he said. “We answered, ‘No. We do not have a permit.’ We did not want to antagonize them.” Then, said James, Moore threatened, “‘If you do not disperse, you will be arrested.’ Well, we didn’t disperse.”
At that point, things got even scarier for the marchers. Connor rolled up in a massive white car shaped and outfitted like a tank, complete with gun turrets. “Connor told them to arrest [us],” James said. “We were crammed into the paddy wagons that were meant to hold maybe eight people at the most – two in [each of] the four cubicles that they had. They crammed three and four of us into one cubicle and they continued to press the door until they got it shut and locked and [had] us taken off to jail.”
—We’ve Got a Job,
Cynthia Levinson
Which two statements about the story are correct?
It includes parts of a story told by Connor in the first-person point of view.
It includes parts of a story told by James in the first-person point of view.
It includes the second-person point of view.
It includes parts of a story told by Gertrude in the first-person point of view.
It includes details about the events told from the third-person point of view.