Step-by-step explanation:
The goal of this exercise is to fill in the marked spaces (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) with words in Spanish that complete the ideas in a very sounding way.
Nevertheless, the possible answers may be infinite, without a bank of words.
Doing some research in google, I found this bank of words.
Here is the result:
HOMBRE Bueno, a mí me espera además un (perro) . Yo tengo un perro que se llama Curro, que es un fenómeno... Gracias a él, pues, aparte del (estrés) de Madrid, sirve para (relajarte) y dar un paseíto (stroll), ¿eh?, y resulta muy agradable. Más (llevadero) [...] Yo insisto que lo mejor en Madrid es tener un perro, si es (posible) que se llame Curro, y dar un (paseo) con él, y es muy divertido.
And here is the meaning of each word used:
1: Perro: dog
2: estrés: stress
3: relajarte: relax your self
4: llevadero: bearable
5: posible: possible
6: dar un paseo: take a walk (a ride is more general but since you are going with your dog it is a walk)
And here is translation of the whole paragraph:
MAN Well, a (dog) is waiting for me. I have a (dog) called Curro, which is a phenomenon ... Thanks to him, then, apart from (stress) in Madrid, it serves to (relax) and take a walk (stroll), huh ?, and it is very nice. More (bearable) [...] I insist that the best thing in Madrid is to have a dog, if it is (possible) to be called Curro, and take a (walk) with him, and it is a lot of fun.