An impromptu speech, by definition, is a speech with limited preparation. Traditionally, you are given a topic at the time of the speech and allowed a few minutes to prepare and then deliver the speech. Since we don't want any panic attacks in this class, I am giving you some topics to pick from, so you have time to develop your outline (listed below - courtesy of The point of this speech is to have a fun, relaxing experience!
Please choose from the following topics:
You are an ant. Convince an anteater to not eat you.
Explain three different ways to eat an Oreo cookie.
Tell us about a nickname you have and how you got it.
Explain three uses for a pencil besides for writing.
Tell us about the hardest thing you have ever done.
You are a mad scientist. Tell us about your latest invention.
Tell us about the best job.
Tell us how to make your favorite meal.
You are a piece of paper. Describe how we should use you before you get recycled.