a-Effort is to be rewarded
Step-by-step explanation:
When you ask for a raise in an organization,the one of the most important thing is Effort.There is a reason for everything in organization,if you are asking to raise your income organization will ask you on which basis you are asking.If you put extra hours than before or you gain some skill which is useful for the organization,so while asking for raise you should know the effort that you put in because effort is most important factor for a raise.
In formal organizations, Non cash benefits are not there so there is no purpose for asking it.
Employment does not matter for the peer in asking for a raise,sometimes it is used by small organizations but it is informal,the one should focus more on effort rather than the employment.
Emotional appeals may help in informal organization,never in formal organization.It only imprints negative image on peer's mind,if you want to have a raise you should focus on Effort.