Answer:-Following is the program for the checking if 2 strings are anagram in c++:-
using namespace std;
int main()
string ana1,ana2;//declaring two strings.
int an1[256]={},an2[256]={};//declare two count arrays of size 256 an1 and an2.
bool test=true;//taking a bool variable test = true for displaying the result..
cout<<"Enter both the strings"<<endl;
cin>>ana1>>ana2;//prompting the strings..
for(int i=0;ana1[i]&ana2[i];i++) // iterating over both the strings.
an1[ana1[i]]++;//increasing the count of the characters as per their ascii values in count array an1.
an2[ana2[i]]++;//increasing the count of the characters as per their ascii values in count array an2.
for(int i=0;i<256;i++)//iterating over the count arrays..
if(an1[i]!=an2[i])//condition for not anagram.
cout<<"not an anagram"<<endl;
test=false;//making test false..
break;//coming out of the loop.
if(test)//if test is true only then printing..
cout<<"is an anagram"<<endl;
return 0;
A string is said to be an anagram string of other string if it has same characters but in different order.
for example:-
string 1="raman"
string 2="manar"
string 2 is an anagram of string 1.