a).sum = 11000100
b).For 01011111 = 95
For 01100101=101
c).For 01011111 =137
Octal of 01100101 =145
d).For 01011111=5F
For 01100101=65
Step-by-step explanation:
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
+ 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
b)For converting to decimal we have to multiply respective 0 ,1's to the respective powers of 2 and adding them.
decimal of 01011111=0*128+64*1+32*0+16*1+8*1+4*1+2*1+1*1=95
decimal of 01100101=0*128+64*1+32*1+0*16+0*8+1*4+0*2+1*1=101.
c). For converting to octal make a group of 3 bits from LSB or the right most bit. and add zeroes to the front if group is not able to from.After that find the value subsequent 3 bits and write them in same order.
001 011 111 - added 1 zero in the left.
1 3 7
So the answer is 137.
001 100 101
1 4 5
So the answer is 145.
d).Do the same steps in the conversion of binary to octal just there is one change make a group of 4 bits not 3.
0101 1111
5 F
So the answer is 5F.
We don't have to add any zeroes to the front because group of four bits is easily formed.
0110 0101
6 5
So the answer is 65.