4 votes
What to do: please remember to comment each line.

1 Initialize x to be zero

2 Prompt the user for the next operation (Addition or Subtraction)

3 Prompt the user for the next operand (y).

4 Perform the operation (x + y or x – y depends on the operation selected by
the user), and store back the result to x.

5 Output x in decimal.

6 Go back to step 2 until user input “q” as the next operation, then exit.

User Knut
7.0k points

1 Answer

3 votes


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()



float x=0.0;

float y;

char operation;

//print the message

cout<<"Please enter the operation (Addition or Subtraction): ";


//loop for enter th operand again until enter 'q'

while(operation != 'q'){

//print the message for operand x

cout<<"\\Please enter the operand x: ";


//print the message for operand y

cout<<"\\Please enter the operand y: ";


//check for condition for '+' and if true then add the operands

if(operation == '+'){


}else if(operation == '-'){ //if user enter '-' then subtract the operands



//print the output

cout<<"\\The output is: "<<x<<endl;

cout<<"\\Please enter the operation (Addition or Subtraction): ";



return 0;


Step-by-step explanation:

Create the main function and define the variable x equals zero and declare the variables y and operation.

print the message for the user to enter the operation ('+' or '-') by using the instruction cout.

Store the value in the variable by using the instruction cin.

Then, take the loop to repeat the statement again and again until the condition is true.

print the message inside the loop for asking about the operands from the user.

then, use condition statement for checking the operation and if condition match, then execute the particular operation.

The above operation executes until the user enters not enter the character 'q'.

when the user enters the 'q', the loop terminates and print the output.

User Flopes
7.0k points