P - existing home sales will decrease
Q - new housing starts will increase
R - unemployment will decrease
S - the Federal Reserve decreases long-term interest rates
T - foreign trade deficits decrease
U - foreign trade deficits increase
V - manufacturing rates increase
![[(P \vee Q) \wedge R] \iff (S \wedge T) \vee (U \wedge V)](https://img.qammunity.org/2020/formulas/mathematics/college/wjwxfxt5pdjcfealsfanqi2gdl993sgg4p.png)
P - Germany will vote to limit the number of immigrants it admits
Q - will reject Angela Merkel’s international policies
R - neighboring EU countries agree to a multi-national work visa program
S - the World Bank revalues the Euro relative to the US dollar
T - the US-Russia brokered peace treaty is signed by Syria.