b). false
Step-by-step explanation:
Lean manufacturing
Lean manufacturing, a philosophy developed by Toyota Production System are means to eliminate wastes. They are defined as the techniques or management activities in eliminating wastes and increasing the efficiency inside an organisation.
According to the concept of lean manufacturing, mainly seven types of wastes are identified. They are :
1. Transportation waste
2. Inventory waste
3. Over production
4. Waiting
5. Defects
6. Motion waste
7. Non utilized talent
All these waste affect greatly to the efficiency of an organisation and devalue its services. Lean manufacturing advises to prevent all these waste in order to increase the productivity.
All the management activities and techniques used in lean manufacturing may be different according to the business application but they are all based on the same basic principle of removing wastes and errors and increase efficiency.
The different sectors that are benefiting from lean manufacturing methodology are
Food and Beverage
Lean manufacturing can be used in different sectors.