a bouquet of 18 flowers, 12 pink and 6 blue is correct.
Step 1: Find the total number of children.
Number of boys = 2
Total number of children = 3 x number of boys
Total number of children = 3 x 2 = 6
Step 2: Find the ratio of girls to boys
Number of girls = total number of children - total number of boys
Number of girls = 6 - 2 = 4
Girls : Boys
4 : 2
2 : 1
Step 3: Find the ratio of pink and blue flowers
Pink : Blue = Girls : Boys = 2 : 1
Step 4: Check the statements. The ratio of Pink : Blue should be 2 : 1.
1) a bouquet of 12 flowers, 4 pink and 8 blue. Incorrect because in this statement the ratio of pink : blue is 4 : 8 = 1 : 2 instead of 2 : 1.
2) a bouquet of 14 flowers, 8 pink and 6 blue. Incorrect because in this statement the ratio of Pink : Blue 8 : 6 = 4 : 3.
3) a bouquet of 15 flowers, 6 pink and 9 blue Incorrect because in this statement the ratio of pink : blue is 6 : 9 = 2 : 3.
4) a bouquet of 18 flowers, 12 pink and 6 blue. This is correct because the ratio of pink : blue is 12 : 6 = 2 : 1.