Hot Spring
Step-by-step explanation:
Geyser: Geysers are triggered by turbulently extruded high-pressure water on the earth's surface. We can usually discover tiny mounds created around the opening over time.
Mudpool: A combination of viscous mud, restricted warm water and micro-organisms causes these. When active, these characteristics may look like tiny mud volcanoes with bubbles created by the gas released from the lava.
Hot Spring: when heated by underlying magma and influenced by enormous stress, groundwater forms opening in the crust of the earth. This Hot Spring can be supplied through a hydrothermal vent that caries the warm water to create hot spring pools on the surface. In turn, these springs can crate their own formations as they carry in their water a amount of minerals. When extruded onto the earth's surface, the minerals (dissolved in water) cool down and crystallize to form lovely structures around the opening.