Answer: c) Acid fast
Step-by-step explanation:
The Tuberculosis or TB is a pulmonary disease characterized by fever, weight loss, night sweats and most of the times a productive cough. In some patients there is cough with blood in the sputum.
It is produced by a bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis who has a rod (bacillus) morphology. Additionally, it has a special component in its cell wall: Mycolic acid, a very long fatty acid.
When there is a presumption of the presence of Tuberculosis, the most inexpensive way to look for it is by taking a sample of sputum or phlegm. Then, it has to be stained with the ACID FAST also called the ZIEHL NEELSEN stain. If there are bright red bacilli, then the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is confirmed.