"What seasonings make melt the fastest, garlic, sugar, or pepper?"
Step-by-step explanation:
this can be a good question because it is highly specific and there are no questions as to what your experiment is
explanations for the scientific method:
1. Make an observation- "different conditions affect the melting of ice such as people salting the roads in winter, this caused me to be curious of what other seasonings might possibly have a similar effect to that of the salt."
2. create a Hypothesis- "I hypothesize that garlic will have the most effect on the melting of the ice because like salt its a more savory seasoning while sugar is more sweet and the reaction would be different and pepper has little flavoring to begin with"
3. test your hypothesis- "this can be done using 3 trials in which 3 pieces of ice are laid onto paper towels and seasoned with 1 teaspoon each of each individual flavoring along with one ice cube that will remain unseasoned (this is our control) we shall then set a timer for 2 minutes and see which ice cube is the most melted"
4. draw conclusions- "this will lead you to the result of the experiment, this would be the seasoning that cause the most effect on the melting process of ice"