It established a new constitution and Ghana eventually won independence from Britain.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Allied victory had fueled the hopes of nationalists from various European colonies in Africa. The doctrine of Nazifascism was contrary to the autonomy of the peoples of the continent; On the other hand, the United Kingdom and the United States had signed in 1941 the Atlantic Charter, which recognized the right of self-determination of peoples as one of the basic principles of international relations.
Based on this concept, there was a movement in Ghana to stop being a colony and achieve independence. After the war, the British introduced some reforms that increased the autonomy of the Ghanaian colony, such as the possibility of electing a local Legislative Assembly, as a way to inhibit the claims of independence.
This was not well regarded by the leaders of the independence movement. Under pressure, the UK established that it would give Ghana independence if most people voted for independence.
At this time, the convention people’s party started a campaign to win votes for independence. With this a new constitution was established and Ghana eventually gained independence from Britain.