Day one, Carl, along with many other hopeless souls, died from the plague. It feels rather empty here now. Just me and the captain, along with a few other crew members no more than a dozen. I miss my wife and kids at home. Wondering if my wife took my kid to school. Carl was a close friend of mine, knew him since I joined the crew 15 years ago. He said after this voyage, he wanted to be an author. Captain said we had to burn the bodies. Oh the hurtful pain I felt, seeing my lads be burned before my eyes. The smell of ash was all I was found of this entire voyage.
Ah, but after everyone calmed down, the weather seemed to as well. Clear skys and windy breezes. Captain said after this voyage, there would be a tremendous wealth awaiting for us. With this wealth, I could get little susan (daughter) a secure education. She would have a secure and bright future, she will. Day 2, we are almost there now. I can see the shores of Europe. We aren't so far from our wealth. I will be sure to bury Carl in the graveyard of one of his favorite author's hometown. Maybe even show him one of Carl's works that he was working on before he died...