Family is typically the earliest agent of socialization.
Step-by-step explanation:
In today's society, the family is often viewed as a platform from which family members operate in the community. Family life at best encourages intimacy, love and trust. It also lets family members relax from the demands of modern society, all provided the family works well. But the family is more vulnerable today than it used to be, due to the fact that so much rests on the spouses' coexistence.
The primary function of the family is to reproduce society from a socio-cultural point of view. For this family and society change each other, depending on the epochs and regions of the world. As for the family's function of reproducing the culture of society, we speak of the family's orientation to refer to the role it has towards the children, for whom the family determines the social position, and strongly influences their formation cultural and in their socialization.
Family gives the children the basic upbringing and teaches them the standards of society, what is right and wrong, true and false, etc. But, as children are left early in pre-school, the nurturing function will increasingly be transferred to preschools and schools.