aphonic no sound or a whisper
biphonic two independent pitches
breathy sound of air is apparent
creaky sounds like two hard surfaces rubbing against one another
diplophonic pitch supplemented with another pitch one octave lower, roughness usually apparent
flutter often called bleat because it sounds like a lamb's cry
glottalized clicking noise heard during voicing
hoarse (raspy) harsh, grating sound
honky excessive nasality
jitter pitch sounds rough
rough uneven, bumpy sound appearing to be unsteady short-term, but persisting over the long-term
strained effortfulness apparent in voice, hyperfunction of neck muscles, entire larynx may compress
strohbass popping sound; vocal fry during singing
tremerous affected by trembling or tremors
twangy sharp, bright sound
ventricular very rough (Louis Armstrong-type voice)
wobble wavering or irregular variation in sound
yawny quality is akin to sounds made during a yawn
shimmer crackly, buzzy
resonant (ringing) brightened or 'ringing' sound that carries well
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