Based on my opinion, I think that people can misdiagnose themselves with flu.
Step-by-step explanation:
The flu usually starts with a high fever, followed by pain in the body, head, runny nose and dry cough. Basically these are the symptoms of a common flu. However, a flu considered "normal" can lead to pneumonia, thus requiring hospitalization. If you self-medicate, without know about what kind of disease you have, you can take several risks, including: taking the wrong medicine; take an overdose of the medicine, and thus worsen your condition; If you have an allergy to such a remedy, you may even die if you take it.
It may also happen that you confuse flu symptoms with another, even more striking, illness, as mentioned earlier, pneumonia. And for this reason, you can complicated and then even die about a mistake made by yourself. It is so complicated to self-medicate without a knowloedge about each diseases, lika doctors and nurses have.