paternoster lakes are defined as a chain of glacial lakes where each lake flows into the next.
Step-by-step explanation:
Lakes: A lake is a territory loaded up with water, confined in a bowl, that is encompassed via land, aside from any waterway or other outlet that serves to nourish or deplete the lake. Lakes.
lakes have following features
Surface Area:The area which lakes has or in the other words surface area of lake can be described as an area on which any lake spreads
Open or closed lakes:lakes can also be described as open or closed lakes
Paternoster Lake: A paternoster lake is one of a progression of frosty lakes associated by a solitary stream or a meshed stream framework. The name originates from the word Paternoster,
other features of glacial lakes
Arete: Arete (Greek: ἀρετή), in its fundamental sense, signifies "greatness of any sort". The term may likewise signify "moral righteousness".
U-shaped: some lakes are of u shaped that's why these type of lakes can be defined as u-shaped.
Glacial Lake: A Glacial lake is a waterway with starting points from ice sheet movement. They are framed when an ice sheet dissolves the land, and afterward softens, filling the downturn made by the ice sheet.
Glacial L:akes are dangerous: Then again, the moraine-dammed frosty lakes have the potential for blasting. A standard record to characterize a lake that is a wellspring of potential peril as a result of conceivable blasting does not exist. Moraine-dammed icy lakes, which are still in contact or close to the icy masses, are generally risky.
Answer Details:
Subject: Geography
Level:High School Level
Keywords:Lakes, surface Area of lakes , open or closed lakes, Paternoster Lake , Arete, Glacial Lakes , Glacial lakes are dangerous