Someone had answered a question with this, and I was wondering if this is written or if this is from someone else?(like a website or copied and pasted?):
"He couldn’t see why it was necessary. He liked the feeling of safety here in this warm and quiet room; he liked the expression of trust on the woman’s face as she lay in the water unprotected, exposed, and free." Shows his rebellious side "He heard people singing. Behind him, across vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too. But perhaps it was only an echo." Shows the idea that in this place he can be whoever he wants to be."
Edit: Yes, I know these are quotes from the book... I'm asking if these two quotes had been used on like a website as an example or something. I don't plan on copying, as I love The Giver, but I would use these two quotes if they were personally chosen by the person, not copied and pasted.