1. The settled agriculture changed the life-style of the humans totally. From being nomadic hunter-gatherers only concerned about surviving, the humans now were able to sustain themselves in one place without any big concerns. The production of food was so high that there was surplus, eliminating the main concern about survival. This gave the humans much more spare time, and that spare time led to the development of astronomy, philosophy, sciences, architecture, which quickly was transforming the human societies.
2. The humans that lived in pre-civilized societies had totally different life-style than the ones that were civilized. The civilized humans had settled life, and they had secured the problem with the food, having spare time to focus and develop other things. The pre-civilized humans had only two main concerns and objectives in their lives, getting enough food and safety. This was due tot heir hunter-gatherer life-style, which basically meant that they directly depended on nature for their food sources, so they had to move constantly in an attempt to find enough to survive. Also, that was constantly putting them in dangerous situations, as lot of the animals that were hunted were very dangerous, and on top of that, there were predators luring everywhere.
3. The advantages of the Agricultural Revolution were countless for the humans. The Agricultural Revolution enabled them to have lot of spare time. In this spare time, the humans started to use their brain-power for other things, such as science, astronomy, architecture, development of politics, philosophy etc. That resulted in a very rapid and constant technological development, which in turn was constantly improving the lives of the humans. A disadvantage of the Agricultural Revolution for the humans can be seen that they became more and more isolated from the nature, as well as the much lesser knowledge of the space as the movement was in much lesser extent for several thousands years, thus the humans were usually aware of only the things surrounding them.