There are three answers that are correct, depending upon the situation.
Step-by-step explanation:
Vomiting while unconscious is an extremely serious situation and calling 911 is appropriate. Also, very important, if the friend is vomiting while unconscious, is to put the person on his / her side so that if they vomit, the vomit will run out of the mouth, reducing the chance of choking.
A slow or irregular heart beat can be serious, but may not be a serious situation for some individuals. If it is a concern, call 911. However, some individuals have a slow heart rate which is normal for them. An irregular heart beat (arrhythmia) is definitely a concern if it is accompanied by dizziness or shortness of breath.
Being unable to wake up (not being hard to wake up) is an alarming situation and medical help should be sought as soon as possible.