When a patient’s kidneys failed, he wondered if it would be possible to perform kidney functions with an external machine.
Step-by-step explanation:
The scientific process always begins with a hypothesis. The whole process will be dedicated to testing the hypothesis, whether it validates or invalidates it. The next step is to do more research about it to find relevant literature or researches that will help the overall design of the process or investigation. Only then will they proceed to methods into how to conduct the investigation or how to start designing a prototype. After this, is data gathering through testing. When data is gathered, it would be analyzed then a conclusion will be drawn.
Here is your scenario in the correct order from start to end.
1. When a patient’s kidneys failed, he wondered if it would be possible to perform kidney functions with an external machine.
2. He researched and collected data about numerous patients who exhibited symptoms of kidney failure.
3. He drew conclusions from studies of various symptoms of kidney failure, and drew a design for the ideal external blood-processing machine.
4. He built the machine and tried it with various patients, collecting data about its effectiveness.