-set the "atomic" clocks everywhere
-hear news & sports on AM radio
-low-band 2-way mobile radios ... fire, police, taxi, ambulance
-high-band 2-way mobile radios ... fire, police, taxi, ambulance
-over-the-air TV
-hear music on FM radio
-open the garage door while sitting in the car
-heat up leftover meatloaf in the 'microwave'
-cordless telephones in the house
-cellular telephones everywhere else
-all smartphone data, up and down, in and out
-GPS, and everything that uses it
-control & communicate with GPS satellites, weather satellites, TV satellites, military and government satellites, lunar orbiters, Hubble Space Telescope, the International Space Station, all interplanetary space probes
-everything Bluetooth
-everything Laser
-everything Microwave
-use eyes to see things
-use Infrared to heat things
-use ultraviolet to get a tan
-X-rays for dental and medical applications