- Supply-side solutions: desalinating seawater , damming a river to create a reservoir , a nation invading a neighboring country to access their rivers
- Demand-side solutions: raising water prices for consumers and businesses , providing tax breaks for companies that use less water , requiring low-flow shower heads in al new homes , replacing inefficient irrigation with more-efficient drip irrigation to grow crops
Step-by-step explanation:
As stated in the above question, supply side solutions increase the supply of fresh water. This means that the options that will increase the level of fresh water that will be offered to the consumer will be on the supply side, that is, those options that will provide plenty of choice for the consumer should be on the supply side, so we can say that the solutions are: desalinating seawater, damming a river to create a reservoir, a nation invading a neighboring country to access their rivers
The above question also states that demand-side solutions will reduce demand for fresh water. This means that these solutions should discourage consumers from paying for or limiting their use of fresh water. These solutions are: raising water prices for consumers and businesses, providing tax breaks for companies that use less water, requiring low-flow shower heads in new homes, replacing inefficient irrigation with more-efficient drip irrigation to grow crops