Similarity 1: Europe and America introduce new crops to hemispheres.
Analysis: Crops such as corn, beans, squash, and potatoes create a population increase in the new world.
Similarity 2: Europe and America's interactions spread diseases and affect populations.
Analysis: Malaria spread from Europeans and African slaves cause the population in the Americas to diminish.
Similarity 3: Europe and the Americas exchange foreign animals.
Analysis: The Americas receive the horse, which allows for better transportation; and the pig which further changes dietary habits; and the Europeans receive llamas and alpacas and pack animals.
Difference 1: Populations in America decrease, while populations in Europe increase.
Direct Comparison: The Americas faced widespread diseases from the Europeans that wiped out segments of the population, while the Europeans influx of valuable crops increased their population.
Difference 2: The introduction to animals causes overgrazing in the Americas, while animals in Europe had little effect on the environment.
Difference 3: The Americas indigenous cultures were widely affected by the influence of Europeans who were able to insert control and colonize due to the harsh effects of diseases.