It is composed of one phosphorus atom and four oxygen atoms covalently bonded together, and there is a –3 charge distributed over the entire ion.
Step-by-step explanation:
The formula of phosphate ion is PO₄³⁻
The formula shows a phosphorus atom surrounded by 4 oxygen atoms.
For this bond to be established, phosphorus would be covalenty bonded to the oxygen atoms.
A covalent bond arises when two atoms with similar zero or very small electronegativity difference(≤ 0.5 ) combines. The electronegativity difference between phosphorus and oxygen is less than 0.5 and the two atom would bond by sharing of their electrons.
The net charge on the resulting radical is a -3 charge which it uses to form other bond types with other atoms. The charge implies an excess of 3 electrons on the radical formed.