Vous aimez dessiner, jouer aux jeux vidéo (OR vidéos) et les animaux. Donc, je pense que créateur de jeu vidéo est un bon métier pour toi.
jeux vidéo OR jeux vidéos .... both are accepted in French dictionaries. However the pure orthographe would be "jeux vidéo" meaning "jeux (utilisant la) vidéo" ..... But everyone now uses the "S" after vidéo ....
So = it means so much different things in English... It would be better to use donc, as it is a consequence ....
I think a good job for you is a video designer ==> in English you don't have to say "I think that a good job for you ...." but in French you have to use the conjunction que to introduce a completive subordinating clause.
You wrote "I think a good job for you IS video game designer....
my question : isn't it better to say :" I think (that) video game designer would be a good job for you .????"
it seems better to me in French to say : "Je pense que créateur de jeux vidéos serait un bon métier pour toi".
The rules when 2 verbs are following = the second one stay infinitive.
Any questions ? please ask ! ☺☺☺