1. Animal behaviors can evolve through natural selection because
a. What an animal learns is incorporated into its genes
b. All behavior is completely the result of genes
c. All behavior is completely the result of environmental influences
d. Genes that influence behavior that increases an individual’s fitness can be passed on to the next generation
2. Puppies drinking milk from their mother is considered
a. A type of learned behavior
b. An innate behavior
c. A habituated behavior
d. A complex behavior
3. You go to school during the day and sleep at night. This is an example of which type of behavioral cycle?
a. Migration
b. Kin selection
c. Circadian rhythm
d. Habituation
4. Meerkats divide up the roles in their population; some serve as lookouts for predators while others forage for food. This is an example of
a. migration
b. kin selection
c. animal society
d. courtship