perception - A personal view of a situation...
Psychiatrist - mental health professional...
Clinical - concerned with the treatment of disease...
cognition - a person's ability to think.
empathy - Identifying someone's situation...
humanism - a person should be considered as a whole...
Educational psychologist - concerned with the way humans learn ...
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Perception is the ability to interpret and understand what we sense through our different senses. In other words, it is the ability to understand what is going on in our environment through sight, sound, touch, and the like.
2. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor that deals with the treatment, prevention, and diagnosis of metal disorders. They can also treat patience through medication because they are allowed to prescribe medicines.
3. Clinical medicine involves the actual treatment of patients. You can think of it as the actual practice of medicine, and not theoretical and not just work in laboratories.
4. Cognition is a mental process that not only involves thinking, but also comprehension. It involves acquiring knowledge through experience and observation.
5. Empathy is the ability to understand how someone else is feeling in a particular situation. There's a saying, "Putting yourselves in other's shoes." This means to understand how it feels to be in that situation, which is also known as the act of empathizing.
6. Humanism, as the name suggests is HUMAN-centered. This means that one is considered not only by what others see but what the person sees as well. It is concerned with everything that has to do with that person both externally and internally.
7. Educational psychologist deals with children and school specifically. They assess how humans learn, how they think and how they behave in the school setting. They also do councelling for students, parents, teachers, and other people involved in the educational communities.