upper right 31 middle right 24, bottom right 55
upper middle 10, center box 7, lower middle 17
upper left 41, middle left 31, bottom left 72
cat and dog is the overlapping part of th diagram, 31 people like both.
dog and not cat is the left side of the
diagram, 24 people only like dogs
the total of people who like dogs is adding the left number with the the center number and 55 people all like dogs
dislikes dogs likes cats is the right side of the diagram, 10 people
not dog not cat, those who want neither are outside both bubbles, 7
the total of people who would not get a dog is 17
the total of people who like cats is the middle of the chart and the right added together 31+10 is 41
the total of people who dont like cats is the left side and the number of people who dont like anything 24+7 is 31
the total number of all the people could be gotten by adding all the number on the display together 24+31+10+7=72
or by adding the other bottom totals 55+17= 72, or by adding the other left totals together 41+31=72